The perilous atmosphere enveloping Planet X, known as The Veil, presented extreme challenges for any landing attempt. Functioning as both a defensive barrier and the planet's immune response, it made planetary access incredibly arduous. Sharing a level of awareness with the rest of the planet, it aggressively targeted incoming spacecraft with discharges of energy and physical projectiles, fulfilling its role as an immunological defense. This defense could be diverted by focusing on destroying ships and other external entities, creating opportunities for passage. Conversely, individuals with Force-sensitive abilities could serve as a focal point for the Veil, drawing its attention.
Within the Veil, the conventional understanding of time and space became distorted, and indescribable colors manifested. Furthermore, the Veil possessed the ability to extend its boundaries, attempting to trap those who had managed to penetrate its defenses and prevent their departure from Planet X. The Ro family preserved and transmitted the narratives and methods related to navigating the Veil across generations.