Located within the Outer Rim Territories' Thomquizzar system, the Thomquizzar Naval Base was an installation of the Imperial Navy. The naval officer Vocis Kenit was assigned to a land-based position at this base around 0 ABY. Kenit's effective service involved reporting the missteps of his political adversaries and superiors, ultimately resulting in his advancement and reassignment away from the base.
The Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game supplement, The Far Orbit Project, featured the Thomquizzar Naval Base. This supplement was written by Timothy S. O'Brien and released in 1998 by West End Games. The Far Orbit Project spells the base's name as Thomquizarr Naval Base. However, 2009's The Essential Atlas, a reference book, uses Thomquizzar for the system's name. This article adopts the more recent spelling.