The Thruncan Insurrection, alternatively referred to as the Thruncon Insurrection, constituted a revolt that occurred before 12 BBY. This uprising was spurred by Vodrans residing within the city of Thruncan, situated on the planet of Vodran, in opposition to the occupying Imperial forces; the ultimate outcome of this insurrection remains ambiguous.
Xenon Nnaksta suffered the loss of his parents amidst this endeavor to expel the Imperials.
- " The Greel Wood Haven " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 6 (Initial mention) (under the name Thruncon Insurrection)
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia , Volume III ("Vodran") (identified as Thruncon Insurrection)
- Lords of Nal Hutta (First instance of the name Thruncan Insurrection)