Thune (creature)

The thune was a sizable plant-eating animal, distinguished by its tough, wrinkled, and gray skin. These creatures, which were usually docile, dwelled in small groups on the plains of Dantooine; they only turned into formidable adversaries when provoked. Their diet was herbivorous.

Thunes possessed a size comparable to that of a small shuttle. A prominent, nose-like feature dangled from the middle of its face, and delicate, expansive ears encircled its head in a halo-like arrangement.

To regulate their body temperature, thunes had the ability to flutter their ears, which were densely packed with numerous blood vessels. The cooled blood circulating within the ears would then spread throughout the body, effectively reducing its core temperature.

Behind the scenes

Concept art for Star Wars Galaxies.

The thune's initial introduction was in Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided.

