The TIE stealth represented a modified version of the TIE/ln starfighter, specifically engineered for infiltration purposes and as a transport for Imperial commando operations. The Second Imperium utilized this craft circa 23 ABY.
While not possessing the advanced features of later models, the TIE stealth demonstrated competence in its dual roles of infiltrator and combatant. To minimize detection during infiltration missions, it incorporated a secondary set of smaller, low-emission engines, along with a sensor-dampening coating on its hull, possibly reflec. Evidence suggests it may have also featured improved sensors, as one unit successfully navigated the tight space between the Jedi Praxeum's deflector shield and the canopy of the adjacent forest. The flight controls were considered sufficiently similar to a standard TIE that both an Imperial commando and the adolescent Jaina Solo could effectively pilot the craft. Beyond its specialized infiltration equipment, it remained fully capable as a combat-ready fighter.
Orvak and Dareb, Imperial commandos, employed two TIE stealth fighters to infiltrate the Jedi Praxeum located on Yavin 4, thereby initiating the coordinated assault by the Second Imperium and the Shadow Academy. After successfully navigating the narrow opening between the Academy's deflector shield and the treetops, Orvak proceeded to destroy the shield generator, disabling the deflector shield and leaving the academy vulnerable to attack. During the subsequent engagement, Orvak landed his fighter with the intention of executing his secondary objective: planting explosives within the Jedi Academy. Although he ultimately perished due to his own explosives, a Jedi trainee, the young Jaina Solo, managed to seize control of his fighter. With Solo at the controls, the TIE stealth demonstrated its capabilities as a fighter, as Solo used it to down several Second Imperium fighters before the craft sustained damage and was forced to crash.