Tiion Gama Sal-Solo was the maternal figure to Thrackan Sal-Solo, and also the aunt of Han Solo. Randil Sal, her spouse, passed away when Thrackan was still a child. She lived a very isolated life, shunning the company of living beings to such an extent that her entire household staff on Tralus consisted of droids. Furthermore, she refused to discuss her history, though some clues suggest that her lineage either was, or asserted itself to be, directly descended from the old Corellian monarchs; it also appears that in her early years, her father Denn Solo along with her brother Jonash were kidnapped by buccaneers. Upon her initial encounter with Han, she burst into uncontrollable tears, perhaps triggered by Han's physical similarity to his father. Throughout her sobbing, Tiion repeatedly uttered the phrase, "They're gone." It remains unclear whether this statement referred to Han's parents or someone else entirely. Thrackan had a reputation for being extremely defensive of her well-being.