Tirgee Benyalle was a female Human who operated as a criminal kingpin on Kaal. Following the Galactic Empire's departure, she leveraged her dominance over the planet's illicit gambling enterprises to seize control of Kaal.
Benyalle, a crime boss on Kaal, maintained authority over the planet's underground gambling and entertainment sectors. Following the Galactic Empire's defeat at the Battle of Endor, Imperial troops retreated from Kaal. Benyalle utilized her considerable resources and influence to fill the resulting power vacuum, establishing herself as Kaal's leader and ensuring the planet's continued independence.
She invested her wealth in developing Kaal's aquaculture sector until, in 6 ABY, she determined that further expansion required external investment. She invited various external entities to Kaal to negotiate for its aquacultural exports, and among those who answered were Admiral Kermen, representing the Empire; Utoxx Prentioch, a warlord from a neighboring system; Talon Karrde, posing as Syndic Pandis Hart of the Sif-Uwana Council; and a delegation from the New Republic.
Benyalle welcomed the group at her Grand Imperial hotel and casino, hosting a high-stakes sabacc game for the negotiators the evening before the official discussions. The following morning, she led the assembled parties on a tour of a harvester manufacturing facility, after which she began entertaining offers aboard her opulent sail barge. However, Kermen revealed a scheme to forcibly reclaim Kaal, and he, his stormtrooper guards, and the operatives with whom he had secretly replaced the majority of the barge's crew, launched an assault on Benyalle. She was defended by Karrde, the New Republic envoys, and loyal members of her crew, but Kermen had bribed her bodyguard Sendir to betray her. The New Republic agents intervened, saving her from Sendir's treachery, and they escaped together aboard a submersible summoned by Karrde.
Karrde then revealed that his sole interest lay in the wreckage of Emperor Palpatine's personal shuttle, the Emperor's Shadow, which he subsequently destroyed to ensure their successful escape. Benyalle was then left to finalize her export agreement with the New Republic.