The Tlönians were a race of sentient arachnoids originating from the planet Tlön, which resided within the Tlönia system. Their species was infamous for carrying poison-filled sacs and their predatory behavior towards unsuspecting starships that dared to venture into their territory. The Mandalorian Crusaders brought about their extermination around 6100s BBY. Before their demise, the Tlönians were known to manufacture a unique form of shield. During the Clone Wars era, a Tlönian shield fell into the hands of a genetic decoy representing the terrorist figure Zeta Magnus.
- " The History of the Mandalorians " — Star Wars Insider 80 (First mentioned)
- The Essential Guide to Warfare
- The Bounty Hunter Code: From the Files of Boba Fett
- The Imperial Warlords: Despoilers of an Empire, Part 2 on (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)