Toba, a male Gungan, navigated the hyperlanes in the vicinity of the Naboo system. He was a smuggler during the era known as the Great Peace of the Republic. Possessing an adventurous nature since his youth, Toba was born to prominent parents in the city of Otoh Gunga. His mother was the former Rep Neesada Bari, while his father, Bullba, was a well-known bongo manufacturer. Toba enjoyed his early years, engaging in self-designed dangerous escapades and living a playboy lifestyle until the Invasion of Naboo. During this conflict, he enlisted in the Gungan Grand Army and participated in the Battle of the Great Grass Plains. Inspired by the battle skills and offworld adventures of his Bombad General, Jar Jar Binks, Toba yearned for a life beyond Otoh Gunga and Naboo. He also flew spacecrafts.
Following the Invasion of Naboo, Toba became one of the initial colonists on the moon Ohma-D'un. He quickly found employment as a shuttle pilot, transporting goods and people between the moon and Naboo. Eventually, Toba served for two years in the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps as part of the anti-pirate patrol known as Iron Cesta Flight. However, Toba struggled to adjust to the strict rules of military life. He left the service, combined his resources to acquire the B'zabuu-class transport Sea Killer, and embarked on a career as a smuggler. Despite his new exploits along the hyperlanes, Toba maintained Ohma-D'un as his operational base.
During the Great Peace of the Republic, a male Gungan named Toba was born into a prosperous family in the city of Otoh Gunga on Naboo. His father, Bullba, owned BullbaBong, a successful company that manufactured and sold bongos. His mother, Neesada Bari, had previously served three terms as a Rep on the Gungan High Council. Although Toba had siblings, he was the most adventurous and curious of Bullba and Neesada's children, often exploring caves and teasing gooberfish. Even as a child, Toba rode on the back of a dangerous opee sea killer and survived. Nevertheless, Toba was content to revel in his family's wealth and lived as a playboy for a number of years.
In 32 BBY, Naboo was invaded by the Trade Federation, a corporate entity protesting taxes on trade routes. Despite reprisals against Otoh Gunga by Federation forces led by the Sith Lord Darth Maul and Commander OOM-9, Toba survived and joined the Gungan Grand Army against his mother's wishes. He was among the youngest members of the Grand Army as it prepared for the Battle of the Great Grass Plains, where a force commanded by Bombad Generals Tobler Ceel and Jar Jar Binks would confront OOM-9's army. Meanwhile, the newly allied forces of the Royal House of Naboo and Galactic Republic would reclaim Theed, the planet's capital city, and the Royal Space Fighter Corps would attempt to destroy the Federation's Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship Vuutun Palaa, which would then deactivate OOM-9's forces.
Toba was assigned to Binks's command. During the Battle of Grassy Plains, the young Gungan discovered his passion for combat. He was particularly impressed by his Bombad General's battle prowess, as Binks single-handedly defeated numerous B1-Series battle droids, a Droideka, and even an Armored Assault Tank. It was well-known among the Gungans that Binks had recently traveled extensively off-world. After the Gungan/Naboo/Republic coalition won the battle, Toba decided to follow in his idol's footsteps and leave Naboo for the stars. The Gungan took it upon himself to learn piloting skills, engaging in a dangerous crash course using one of Bullba's bongos.
Following the liberation of Naboo, the Gungan people chose to colonize Ohma-D'un, one of the planet's moons. Toba was among the first hired to assist in building the colony, creating a niche for himself by piloting an armed BullbaBong BB-2 Shuttle, leased at a discounted rate from his father's spaceworks division. In this new role, Toba transported cargo, workers, and the occasional tourist or diplomat. His goal soon became to earn enough money from his shuttle run to purchase a hyperdrive for the ship and eventually work outside the Naboo system. After months of operating his shuttle run and modifying the leased vehicle, Toba was accepted into the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps, which was accepting Gungans as part of new peace agreements following Naboo's liberation. The young Gungan was among the first to be trained by the Royal Space Fighter Corps pilots, and in time, Toba volunteered to serve Queen Amidala.
Toba found it challenging to adapt to the structured nature of military service after his time working freelance. Nevertheless, he persisted with his new career, determined to establish himself as a notable pilot. Along with several other Gungan pilots in the same program, Toba formed Iron Cesta Flight, a unit composed of G-1 starfighters, a joint venture between BullbaBong and Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps designed for longer periods of independent flight and combat within the system compared to their N-1 starfighter predecessors. Iron Cesta Flight's duty was to patrol the Naboo system for pirates seeking to harass those traveling between Naboo and Ohma-D'un. After two years of service, Toba was offered the opportunity to command Iron Cesta Flight, but he had still not fully adapted to military life. With a windfall from a wealthy aunt and his savings, he left the RSF Corps and decided to pursue his dream of life beyond the Naboo system.
Toba used his pooled resources to purchase a small SoroSuub starship, the B'zabuu-class transport Sea Killer, and a used astromech droid, R5-R5. Within a month, he had made several cosmetic and armament modifications to the craft. Toba also acquired several contracts from a smuggler friend who had accumulated debts with the Hutt Cartel. Toba continued to call Ohma-D'un home, using it as his base of operations. In his new career as a smuggler, Toba frequented the hyperlanes, identifying himself as an "independent trader." He generally ensured that his smuggling activities did not negatively impact BullbaBong, and in turn, Bullba ignored his son's illegal activities.
Toba was willing to risk his life adventuring, even in his youth, participating in various activities that were considered dangerous. He was a brave explorer with a thirst for combat. Inspired by his commanding officer in the Gungan Grand Army, Bombad General Binks, Toba developed a desire to leave Otoh Gunga and Naboo early in life to pursue a career offworld. Toba could also be stubborn, directly disobeying his mother when he joined the Gungan Grand Army. He preferred to learn skills on his own rather than through formal instruction. Toba's lifestyle clashed with the structured regime of military life, which negatively affected his time in Naboo's RSF Corps. Ultimately, Toba found himself in the smuggling trade, attempting to ensure that his more questionable activities did not harm his father's business.
Toba had brown skin and wore shoulder pads. He also wore flight goggles. Toba could speak Basic, Huttese, and Gungan Basic.
Toba owned a blaster pistol, later acquiring a heavier model, as well as a comlink and a tool kit, among other items. His first ship was a BullbaBong shuttle, which he leased from his father's manufacturing company. During his service with the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps, Toba possessed pilot's goggles and flew a G-1 starfighter, also a co-development from his family's holdings. Toba eventually purchased his own ship, the used B'zabuu-Class Transport Sea Killer. Within a month of ownership, he had the image of an opee sea killer painted on the nose of the Sea Killer, making the freighter resemble a 25-meter-long flying fish. To ensure he could escape trouble, Toba also modified the craft with a "Getaway" missile launcher scavenged from a Corellian Engineering Corporation YG-4400 light freighter.