Tols Vengra was a criminal affiliated with the Jenet species, employed as a henchman by Opun Mcgrrrr during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
During his formative years on the planet Garban, Tols Vengra harbored aspirations of becoming a public servant. As a Jenet, he possessed an innate gift for memorization, but he chose to augment this ability by surgically implanting an Aj^6 construct into his brain. This neural augmentation had the unintended consequence of diminishing aspects of his personality and self-esteem, leading him to lose interest in his original career ambitions.
He attempted to enlist as an officer within the ranks of the Imperial Navy, but due to his non-Human status, the Empire categorically rejected his application. Upon a subsequent attempt, he received threats implying potential enslavement by the Empire. Following a second similar threat, Vengra resolved to abandon this aspiration.
Subsequently, Vengra encountered a criminal entrepreneur known as Opun "Black Hole" Mcgrrrr. Mcgrrrr engaged Vengra's services as a thug, with the expectation that he would bolster Mcgrrrr's profits. However, Vengra was secretly diverting a portion of Mcgrrrr's newly acquired wealth, intending to amass sufficient funds to return to Garban in a state of affluence.
Mcgrrrr maintained a contentious rivalry with Jabba the Hutt, stemming from Jabba's triumph over Mcgrrrr in a business transaction that occurred on Bespin. Enraged by this defeat, Mcgrrrr orchestrated the theft of Jabba's accounting droid, CZ-3. His objective was to extract information from CZ-3's memory banks and leverage it to blackmail Jabba. Unbeknownst to Mcgrrrr, Jabba had anticipated his actions and had already programmed CZ-3 to act as a spy, transmitting information about Mcgrrrr's activities back to Jabba.
Mcgrrrr ultimately lost control of CZ-3 and dispatched Vengra on a mission to retrieve the droid. Simultaneously, Jabba dispatched a Snivvian bounty hunter named Takeel, also with the objective of recovering CZ-3. The three individuals converged, and Vengra asserted that the droid rightfully belonged to Mcgrrrr. However, before a resolution could be reached, Takeel's brother, Zutton, unexpectedly appeared and destroyed CZ-3 with blaster fire. Vengra returned to Mcgrrrr to deliver the news of his failure.