Tookarti was a member of the Chadra-Fan species who resided on the Wheel during the initial period of the Clone Wars.

In the time leading up to the Battle of Kamino, the Jedi Knight known as Aayla Secura journeyed to the Wheel searching for her one-time Jedi Master, Quinlan Vos. Secura was operating under the assumed name "Jayzaa" at this point, in order to protect Quinlan's alias of "Quinlan Vos," claiming he was in debt to her. Upon her arrival, Tookarti served as her guide.
Suspecting that "Jaayza" might be a spy or an assassin, Tookarti paid some thugs to try and force the truth from her. However, the Jedi easily overcame them and compelled the Chadra-Fan to lead her to Vos. To Tookarti's great surprise, "Jaayza" and "Korto Vos" were acquainted. Subsequently, he assisted them in locating Khaleen Hentz, which in turn directed them to Zenex and his contact. Unknown to everyone else, Tookarti was covertly working as a double agent for Count Dooku, though he was puzzled as to the reason Dooku desired the Jedi to uncover the Confederacy of Independent Systems's strategies for attacking Kamino.
Later on Nar Shaddaa, Tookarti betrayed Vos, which prompted the Jedi Council to dispatch Agen Kolar with orders to apprehend him. In secret, the Council anticipated Kolar's failure, thereby making Vos's descent into the Dark Side more convincing. After eluding Kolar, Vos located Tookarti and killed him by beheading.