
Torpin held the rank of Moff within the Imperial hierarchy during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


Despite his diminutive stature and portly build, Torpin ascended to the position of Moff without any prior experience in the Imperial Military, resulting in a lack of deference from those under his command. He shared a border with the Maelstrom, making him one of two Moffs to do so. In collaboration with his fellow Moff, Vanko, Torpin engaged in the practice of submitting fabricated budgetary information and financial statements to the Galactic Empire, with the intention of concealing his significant losses of funds and materials to the Riders of the Maelstrom, a pirate organization that operated within the Maelstrom. Torpin and Vanko convened clandestinely aboard the luxury liner known as the Kuari Princess to strategize their subsequent actions. They both suspected that the pirates were collaborating with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and anticipated a large-scale assault from them. The Kuari Princess was subsequently hijacked by the Riders.

