Toryl, who also went by the name Truthful Toryl, was a male Duros who made his living as a starship merchant. He was the proprietor of Truthful Toryl's Used Spaceship Lot, located on the world of Tralus within the Corellian system. The term "Used" was, in reality, a polite way of saying "stolen," and Toryl had a strong reputation among those involved in crime as the individual to approach if one wished to purchase or sell a starship without drawing the attention of law enforcement.
In the year 10 BBY, Han Solo conducted a transaction with Toryl, selling him the yacht known as the Talisman. However, due to the Hutts actively seeking the yacht, Toryl was compelled to dismantle it to prevent any unwanted scrutiny.
Five years later, Han came back to Toryl in search of employment, accompanied by Chewbacca. Toryl offered him a smuggling opportunity that involved transporting parts to Duro. These parts were used to install weapons on starships.