Serving the Galactic Empire, Tour Aryon was the governor of the desert planet Tatooine. She was a Human female who originated as a native of Treylon II.
Tour married Kant Aryon back in 4 BBY. Being a fashionable woman, she brought a multitude of cultural advancements to Tatooine. She imported her expensive entertainment goods to Bestine, which was the sole settlement on Tatooine that possessed a museum. She typically remained within the Bestine Settlement and avoided Mos Eisley, as she held it in disdain. She considered the inhabitants of Mos Eisley to be akin to lower-class individuals such as barbarians and farmers. Tour was known for her high level of intelligence.
After the assassin droid IG-72 assassinated Imperial Prefect Orun Depp, Governor Tour appointed Eugene Talmont as his replacement.
When Darth Vader dispatched his own stormtroopers to Tatooine's surface to search for R2-D2 and C-3PO, Tour voiced her opposition, asserting that her own troops were capable of handling the situation. Vader, upon learning of her objections, disregarded them entirely.
The Governor possessed a sharp intellect and demonstrated the ability to skillfully and effectively manage various situations. Her command over her troops was such that she was often compared to a General. Her primary aim was to ensure peace and tranquility on Tatooine.
Scenes featuring Imperial Chief Moradmin Bast and Vader discussing Aryon's objections were omitted from the final cut of A New Hope. However, they were incorporated into The Star Wars Holiday Special, albeit with revised dialogue where Vader and a Bast look-alike discussed locating Chewbacca and Han Solo on Kashyyyk.