Tour Aryon

Serving the Galactic Empire, Tour Aryon was the governor of the desert planet Tatooine. She was a Human female who originated as a native of Treylon II.


Tour married Kant Aryon back in 4 BBY. Being a fashionable woman, she brought a multitude of cultural advancements to Tatooine. She imported her expensive entertainment goods to Bestine, which was the sole settlement on Tatooine that possessed a museum. She typically remained within the Bestine Settlement and avoided Mos Eisley, as she held it in disdain. She considered the inhabitants of Mos Eisley to be akin to lower-class individuals such as barbarians and farmers. Tour was known for her high level of intelligence.

After the assassin droid IG-72 assassinated Imperial Prefect Orun Depp, Governor Tour appointed Eugene Talmont as his replacement.

When Darth Vader dispatched his own stormtroopers to Tatooine's surface to search for R2-D2 and C-3PO, Tour voiced her opposition, asserting that her own troops were capable of handling the situation. Vader, upon learning of her objections, disregarded them entirely.

Personality and traits

The Governor possessed a sharp intellect and demonstrated the ability to skillfully and effectively manage various situations. Her command over her troops was such that she was often compared to a General. Her primary aim was to ensure peace and tranquility on Tatooine.

Behind the scenes

Scenes featuring Imperial Chief Moradmin Bast and Vader discussing Aryon's objections were omitted from the final cut of A New Hope. However, they were incorporated into The Star Wars Holiday Special, albeit with revised dialogue where Vader and a Bast look-alike discussed locating Chewbacca and Han Solo on Kashyyyk.

