Around the time of 1 ABY, Saun Dann, a Human, launched the "Wookiee Planet C" trading post on Kashyyyk near the capital city of Rwookrrorro. The Galactic Empire referred to Kashyyyk as "Wookiee Planet C". Dann's shop offered a diverse range of goods, from miniature aquariums containing live fishes to advanced grooming tools and mind evaporators. A monitor was installed in the trading post, enabling Dann to interact with customers via a wall screen.
Despite being a secret supporter of the Rebel Alliance, Saun Dann, the trading post's proprietor, was willing to engage in commerce with members of the Empire.

The TV movie Star Wars Holiday Special, which debuted on March 17 1978, showcased the Wookiee Planet C trading post. While the complete name of the trading post was never spoken aloud in the program, it was visible on Mallatobuck's computer when she attempted to reach Saun Dann.