Trandoshan dropship

The Trandoshan dropship functioned as a sizable transport vehicle, primarily utilized for the deployment of Trandoshan mercenaries and slavers onto targeted vessels.


A drop ship in its landed state

This dropship boasted substantial shielding, providing resilience against laser-based weaponry and light explosive attacks. Only high-caliber projectiles and powerful missile strikes were capable of penetrating the vessel's defensive systems. It could easily withstand sustained fire from an EWHB-12 heavy repeating blaster.

The internal volume of the Trandoshan dropship was approximately double that of an LAAT/i gunship. However, it was noticeably smaller than the CR25 dropship, which was occasionally used by Republic forces.

Upon landing, the Trandoshan dropship elevated its flight deck, which was mounted on a hinged mechanism at the rear, to an approximate angle of 30 degrees. The purpose of this elevation for the craft or its crew remains unclear, although it is possible that the raised section served as an observation point.

Deployment of mercenaries could occur without requiring the dropship to fully land; the vessel was capable of hovering above a designated location while the mercenaries descended via rappelling lines directly to the ground.


The Trandoshan dropship in the Prosecutor's hangar.

During a Trandoshan assault on the Acclamator-class assault ship known as the Prosecutor, clone commandos belonging to Delta Squad engaged numerous Trandoshan mercenaries and slavers. These individuals had infiltrated the vessel after being deployed from their dropship. Upon reaching the hangar where the dropship was situated, the commandos successfully destroyed it. They utilized two Rocket Turrets that the Trandoshans themselves had previously installed within the hangar.

Subsequently, Delta Squad encountered additional dropships of the same design near a Trandoshan slave encampment located on Kashyyyk. This camp was being utilized as a staging area for Separatist operations in advance of the Battle of Kashyyyk. When Delta Squad arrived at one of the base's landing platforms, they observed a dropship delivering reinforcements, which then promptly departed. Shortly before Delta Squad's arrival at the base's second landing pad, another dropship delivered additional mercenaries.

Behind the scenes

The Trandoshan dropship was initially conceived for the 2005 video game titled Star Wars: Republic Commando.

