Trinkatta Starships

title: Trinkatta Starships

A company known as Trinkatta Starships focused its efforts on manufacturing various types of starships. This enterprise was founded by Boll Trinkatta, a Kloodavian businessman, and its headquarters were situated in Calamar, a city located on the planet of Esseles. In the time leading up to the Invasion of Naboo, Trinkatta Starships secured a contract to produce fifty vulture droid starfighters equipped with hyperdrives. The Galactic Republic viewed this order with great suspicion, particularly due to the expansion of the Trade Federation. Consequently, they reached out to the Jedi High Council to investigate the order's origin. The council dispatched Jedi Master Adi Gallia to investigate the company's headquarters. However, she vanished during her investigation, leaving the identity of the person who placed the order a mystery.

Eventually, it came to light that the design of the droid starfighters was the work of the Xi Char, who maintained connections with the Trade Federation. Trinkatta Starships' factory operations were predominantly managed by droid control systems, and Boll Trinkatta was unaware of the Trade Federation's involvement in the project. Upon discovering the Xi Char's role, Trinkatta declined further assistance and attempted to cancel the order. Despite his efforts, the order continued to be processed after Bartokk assassins captured Trinkatta and reprogrammed the factory's droids. When Adi Gallia arrived, the reprogrammed droids subdued her, leading the Jedi Council to dispatch a team of four JediQui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Noro Zak, and Vel Ardox—to continue the investigation. This group successfully halted the production of the starfighters, and Adi Gallia was rescued and taken to a Jedi chapter house to recover. However, several of the specially equipped starfighters were seized by the Bartokk assassins, who intended to use them against the Jedi who had disrupted their plans. They later attacked the Jedi task force sent to the Corulag Academy, providing them with an opportunity to strike.

Darth Sidious was the mastermind behind the entire operation, with the intention of using the droid starfighters to seize control of the planet Brentaal. By capturing Brentaal, the Trade Federation would have been able to dominate trade routes through the Hydian Way and the Perlemian Trade Route, thereby amplifying their influence for Sidious's benefit. The failure of this endeavor had a significant impact on the plans of the Dark Lord of the Sith's.

