Turren Lonarr held the office of president at Temporary Droids. During the Clone Wars, he was involved in the delivery of droids to Kashyyyk.
Lonarr harbored a distinct dislike for Wookiees, a sentiment that was amplified by his experiences amongst the Trandoshans. A high-ranking Trandoshan official enlisted him to assist in smuggling Trandoshan hunters onto Kashyyyk. The objective was to compel the Wookiee senator, Yarua, to return to Kashyyyk, thereby enabling the Trandoshans to push through legislation in the Senate while he was absent, which would permit "limited" logging activities on Kashyyyk.
A Trandoshan saboteur working for Lonarr
To maintain the secrecy of his scheme, Lonarr was driven to orchestrate the murder of the Wookiee firefighter Rruurrfhurra, but his actions were ultimately exposed, and he was brought to justice.