Tusken Bunker

The name Tusken Bunker was applied to a Galactic Empire bunker located on Tatooine after Tusken Raiders successfully invaded it during the time of the Galactic Civil War.


This bunker was situated on Tatooine, specifically within the rocky desert area nestled between the settlements of Mos Espa and Bestine. Its structure comprised a single-story building at ground level, complemented by a small watchtower positioned on its roof, and extended into two levels below ground. Adjacent to the bunker, substantial machinery, thought to be power generators, were present. A fortified wall served as the perimeter defense for the entire area.


The main room of the bunker.

Sometime before the year 1 ABY, Sandpeople, commanded by a Tusken King, launched an assault on the bunker. They eliminated numerous Imperial personnel and seized control of the entire complex. The Tuskens then placed a large, skeletonized head of a krayt dragon within the main room, which served as the king's residence. The skeletal remains of the Imperials who were killed were still scattered throughout the bunker.

In 1 ABY, an Imperial colonel stationed in Bestine tasked local civilians with the mission of retaking the bunker, although he carefully avoided admitting that the Empire had previously lost control of it. The colonel also implied that the loss of the bunker to the Tusken Raiders was not reported to Prefect Eugene Talmont due to the colonel's concerns about potential punishment.

Around the same period, a Zabrak named Errik Darksider sold the bunker's precise location to a spacer who was passing through Mos Eisley.

