Tvrrdko was a male Wookiee from legends, and he was the parent of Tojjevvuk. You can read more about male characters here.
When Chewbacca defeated and killed his son Tojjevvuk after Tojjevvuk engaged him in a clawed fight, Tvrrdko wanted to get even. After Order 66 took place during the Clone Wars and Chewbacca was taken prisoner, Tvrrdko betrayed him and sold him to a Trandoshan enslaver by the name of Ssoh. While imprisoned on one of Ssoh's vessels, Chewbacca joined forces with some other Wookiees, seized control of the ship, and violently injured Ssoh. Around this period, he saved Wookiee younglings who were from Tvrrdko's community, which brought their conflict to a close. After the renowned Wookiee's death, Tvrrdko expressed his appreciation to Chewbacca by creating an image of Chewbacca on a sizable Wroshyr tree located on Kashyyyk.