The gravshock device, alternatively called the two-wave gravshock or simply the planetbuster, represented an Imperial superweapon system that could control a planet's gravity.
The two-wave gravshock, a creation of the Imperial Department of Military Research, was a large, energy-intensive machine installed inside a Torpedo Sphere hull. By employing gravwaves, this device could influence a planet's gravitic field, generating effects analogous to groundquakes and other cataclysmic events. Consequently, it had the destructive potential to collapse cities or submerge them under enormous tidal waves.
During its development, it was found that the transmission of weak gravwaves could also be utilized to analyze the internal structure of a planetoid, opening up possibilities for exploration and resource extraction outside of military applications.
The project encountered two significant issues during its testing phase. Early models were housed within modified Torpedo Spheres, which demonstrated the ability to target cities. However, only Super Star Destroyers possessed the necessary power to execute a full-scale planetary assault. Yet, these vessels already had sufficient firepower with their turbolaser and concussion missile systems, making the device redundant. Furthermore, the intense gravitational disturbances caused by the device during an attack posed substantial navigational hazards to orbiting spacecraft, including the attacking vessel and its accompanying ships.
- Imperial Sourcebook
- Imperial Sourcebook, Second Edition