The Tythonian reptilian refers to a non-sentient, two-legged reptile that originated on the Deep Core planet of Tython.
This blue-skinned reptilian creature was significantly taller than a typical Human female. This bipedal predator possessed three talons on each foot and also on its stubby arms. A series of small spikes ran along its spine, beginning at the top of its head and extending down to the tip of its tail. The creature had an elongated snout and a mouth containing a single line of sharp, pointed teeth. Its skin seemed to emit a crackling blue aura of Force energy.
These predators, which were indigenous to Tython, were first encountered by the original members of the Je'daii Order upon their arrival to the jungle planet. There was at least one instance where a meeting with the Order resulted in a fight. An Iktotchi and a Human Je'daii used swords to defend themselves against a pair of these predators within the planet's jungles.