An especially snarky B1 battle droid found itself among the forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems stationed on the Forest Moon of Endor during 19 BBY. As a member of the Separatist Droid Army, this particular droid was deployed along with many others to establish a forward operating base within the Endor system towards the end of the Clone Wars. Republic clone troopers soon landed on Endor to investigate the Separatist presence, but both factions were set upon by a native beast, leaving the sarcastic droid as the only survivor. It ran for its life into the forest, only to encounter another wave of Republic troops. The B1 attempted to ambush the group's leader, the Jedi Knight Aayla Secura, but was swiftly and thoroughly dismembered by the Jedi's lightsaber before they were both captured by the indigenous Ewoks.
The Ewoks charged Secura with the task of defeating the beast, and she decided to bring the B1 along, strapping the droid to her back for the journey to the creature's lair. Upon reaching the beast's den, Secura and the droid were immediately attacked. While Secura managed to save the B1 from near-total destruction, she was unable to prevent its demise moments later when it was crushed. Secura ultimately triumphed over the beast, and the droid's cranium was recovered by the Ewoks, who commemorated its role in the victory through their art.

During the Clone Wars, a B1-series battle droid served within the ranks of the Separatist Droid Army. Unlike most B1 units, which relied on a Central Control Computer for their processing, this particular droid possessed a notably sarcastic and talkative personality. This droid harbored a strong dislike for the Jedi, who were aligned with the Galactic Republic in the conflict.
Towards the end of the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems initiated a strategy of establishing small outposts across various remote star systems. The sarcastic B1, along with a garrison of other battle droids, was dispatched to the Endor system and tasked with setting up an outpost on the Forest Moon of Endor, which was inhabited by several indigenous species. A Republic reconnaissance patrol, composed of clone troopers, soon arrived on the moon to investigate the Separatist activity. During an exchange of blaster fire between the clones and the droids, a massive creature, known to the locals as the Beast in the Mouth of the Mountain, emerged. The creature proved impervious to blaster fire, and it proceeded to destroy all the droids except for the sarcastic B1. It also dragged the clones to its lair, leaving only their empty armor at the site of the battle. The surviving droid retreated into the forest and waited.
Before long, another group of clones arrived, this time under the command of a Jedi Knight, Aayla Secura. Upon discovering the remains of the droids and the clone armor, the new arrivals spread out through the jungle in search of survivors. While in hiding, the B1 spotted Secura and stalked her, hoping to ambush the Twi'lek Jedi. However, as the droid prepared to fire its E-5 blaster rifle, she sensed its presence through the Force and ignited her lightsaber. In a flash, Secura attacked, severing all four of the droid's limbs. She then pointed her lightsaber at the B1, demanding to know what had happened to the Republic troops. Before the droid could respond, Secura was knocked unconscious by a dart fired by an Ewok warrior, one of Endor's native inhabitants. Secura and the dismembered droid were then taken by a group of Ewoks to their village, which was located high in the trees of Endor.
Secura eventually regained consciousness, and the Ewoks began to communicate with her in their language. The B1, who had some knowledge of Ewokese, overheard the discussion. The Ewoks believed that Secura was a forest spirit and that, because they had captured her, she was obligated to help them defeat the Beast in the Mouth of the Mountain. The droid, however, was in no mood to cooperate and refused to provide an accurate translation, instead telling her that the Ewoks intended to eat her. Eventually, after greatly irritating Secura, the droid revealed the true nature of the Ewoks' request. To the B1's dismay, Secura decided to take it with her on her quest, strapping its limbless body to her back, suspecting that it possessed further information about the fate of her clone troopers.

The Ewoks guided Secura to the mountain where the beast resided, and, much to the droid's frustration, she chose to carry it with her as she ascended towards the cave where the creature lived. Upon reaching the summit, the droid mocked Secura for her slow pace and questioned her abilities with the Force. The two entered the cave, which was shrouded in darkness, but Secura stumbled and fell down a shaft, landing in the beast's lair, which was littered with skeletons, carcasses, and clone trooper armor.
The B1 was dislodged from Secura's back during the fall. It lay on its back and watched in horror as the creature returned to its home, intent on devouring the B1 and Secura. A long leg shot out towards Secura and the droid, nearly crushing the B1, but Secura managed to pull it out of the way at the last moment. The droid was in the middle of thanking the Jedi when another of the beast's feet came down, crushing the droid; the droid's head was severed, and its body was further damaged. Ultimately, Secura defeated the beast, taking one final look at the droid before departing. The Ewoks recovered the B1's head, placing it on a stick and displaying it in their village; Secura's exploits, with the droid on her back, were also depicted in Ewok art.
This B1 droid, manufactured by Baktoid Combat Automata, featured tan plating and black photoreceptors. Like all B1 battle droids, this droid stood at a height of 1.91 meters.
The B1 that accompanied Aayla Secura during her battle with the Beast in the Mouth of the Mountain was unusually sarcastic for a droid, and it viewed much of its experiences on Endor with disdain and contempt. It harbored a hatred for Jedi and frequently insulted Aayla Secura on Endor for her perceived lack of Jedi abilities, especially when she was slow to complete a task or was caught off guard. It was uncooperative with Secura, withholding information about the Ewoks' plans because she had instructed it to remain silent. The B1 had little regard for the lives of others; it hoped that the Ewoks would harm Secura and showed little concern for the clone troopers, failing to understand Secura's desire to rescue them. When it and Secura fell into the beast's lair and observed the surrounding corpses and clone trooper armor, the droid once again demonstrated its lack of empathy.
The droid also possessed a strong desire to survive. When it learned that Secura would be taking it with her on her journey to the beast, it became frightened, and once they reached the lair, it desperately wanted to escape as quickly as possible. Despite its hatred of the Jedi, it was genuinely grateful when Secura saved it from being destroyed.
This character, whose name had never been officially revealed, made an appearance in What Goes Up..., a short comic found in Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 5, which was both written and illustrated by the Fillbach Brothers.