This individual, a clone navigation officer, served on the Star Destroyer called the Endurance. Following the sabotage of the cruiser by Boba Fett, this clone officer, clone trooper commander Ponds, and several other officers attempted to bring the Endurance down on the planet of Vanqor. The [clone] (/article/cloning/legends) officer, together with Ponds and Admiral Kilian, lived through the crash of the Endurance on Vanqor. Nevertheless, Fett's group of bounty hunters captured him along with the others on the world's surface. While Ponds was executed by Aurra Sing, an associate of Fett's, the officer and Kilian were taken to Florrum. Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano then rescued both him and Kilian just as Bossk was on the verge of ending their lives.