Unidentified Dulok (X)

Here's a rewritten version of the MDX content, preserving all meaning and markdown syntax, while significantly altering the sentence structure and wording:

**A** [male](/article/gender/legends) [Dulok](/article/dulok/legends) belonging to [King](/article/king/legends) [Gorneesh's](/article/gorneesh/legends) [tribe](/article/gorneesh%27s_tribe) on the [Forest Moon of Endor](/article/endor/legends) stood out from his [green](/article/color/legends)-[furred](/article/hair/legends) companions. This distinction came from a yellow _X_ marking his chest and belly, coupled with a white [cloth](/article/clothing/legends) he frequently wore as a head wrap. Serving his tribe as a [scout](/article/scout/legends), [warrior](/article/soldier/legends), and [hunter](/article/hunting/legends), this particular Dulok undertook several missions for Gorneesh in [3 ABY](/article/3_aby/legends). This period was marked by [war](/article/ewok%e2%80%93dulok_wars/legends) against the [Ewoks](/article/ewok/legends) of [Bright Tree Village](/article/bright_tree_village/legends), a [settlement](/article/city/legends) situated near the [Dulok Swamp](/article/dulok_swamp). During these missions, he was often joined by other Duloks sporting unique markings, such as [one](/article/unidentified_dulok_(diamond)) bearing a [diamond](/article/diamond/legends) shape and [another](/article/unidentified_dulok_(arrows)) displaying [arrow](/article/arrow/legends) shapes. However, his most common partner was a [Dulok](/article/unidentified_dulok_(o)) identified by an _O_ on his torso.

The _X_-marked Dulok embodied typical characteristics of his [species](/article/species/legends): a strong sense of self-importance, a condescending attitude toward those he considered inferior, and a general lack of empathy for Ewoks and wildlife. Despite these flaws, he generally held King Gorneesh in high regard and carried out numerous assignments for the Dulok leader. In one instance, he accompanied his _O_-marked colleague and [Umwak](/article/umwak), the Dulok [shaman](/article/shaman/legends), to gather components for a [magic](/article/magic/legends) potion. This excursion also allowed them to [spy](/article/spy/legends) on the Ewoks and devise a scheme to pilfer their [soap](/article/ewok_soap). On another occasion, the _X_-marked Dulok assisted in caring for [Nahkee](/article/nahkee), a [Phlog](/article/phlog/legends) [infant](/article/youngling/legends) entrusted to the Duloks by the [Tulgah](/article/tulgah/legends) [witch](/article/witch/legends), [Morag](/article/morag). Later, he and his _O_-marked partner abducted the Ewok [Latara](/article/latara/legends) to serve as a babysitter for Gorneesh's offspring. The Dulok also participated in an [attack](/article/second_battle_of_the_soul_trees) on the Ewoks' [Soul Trees](/article/soul_tree), riding aboard the [Ewok battle wagon](/article/ewok_battle_wagon), and took part in two [winter](/article/winter/legends) hunting trips during which he was haunted by a presence the Duloks knew as the [Red Ghost](/article/asha/legends).

## Biography

Living in the [Dulok Swamp](/article/dulok_swamp) on the [Forest Moon of Endor](/article/endor-legends), this [male](/article/gender-legends) [Dulok](/article/dulok-legends) distinguished himself from others in his [tribe](/article/gorneesh%27s_tribe) by the [yellow](/article/color-legends) _X_ painted on his [fur](/article/hair-legends) across his belly and chest, as well as the white [cloth](/article/clothing-legends) he wore around his head. During a [period](/article/time-legends) marked by [continuous battles and plots](/article/ewok%e2%80%93dulok_wars-legends) against the [Ewoks](/article/ewok-legends) of nearby [Bright Tree Village](/article/bright_tree_village-legends), a [settlement](/article/city-legends), this _X_-marked individual received various assignments from his [King](/article/king-legends), [Gorneesh](/article/gorneesh-legends), the [eyepatch](/article/eye_patch-legends)-wearing Dulok. Many of these missions occurred in [3 ABY](/article/3_aby-legends).

During the [summer](/article/summer-legends) of that [year](/article/standard_year-legends), the X-marked Dulok journeyed with an [O-marked counterpart](/article/unidentified_dulok_(o)) and the Dulok [shaman](/article/shaman-legends), [Umwak](/article/umwak), into the forest to find ingredients for the medicine man's [magic](/article/magic-legends) potions. After enduring a barrage of [insect](/article/insect-legends) pests, the trio noticed several Ewoks bathing in a [river](/article/unidentified_endor_river_(ewok_bathing_area)), including [Wicket Wystri Warrick](/article/wicket_wystri_warrick-legends), [Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka](/article/kneesaa_a_jari_kintaka-legends), [Nippet](/article/nippet-legends), and [Wiley](/article/wiley_(ewok)). Umwak identified that the Ewoks were using [Ewok soap](/article/ewok_soap) to ward off [bugs](/article/bug_(creature)). The _X_-marked Dulok and his [guard](/article/bodyguard-legends) companion tried to snatch the item, but their movements startled the [creature](/article/unidentified_endor_river_animal) they were unknowingly standing on. The beast shook them into the [water](/article/water-legends), prompting the trio to retreat to their home in the [swamp](/article/swamp-legends). Nevertheless, their discovery led King Gorneesh to dispatch Umwak and [another Dulok](/article/umwak%27s_sidekick) to steal the [soap](/article/soap-legends) from Bright Tree Village, which triggered a series of raids and counter-raids that ended only when the Ewoks replaced the stolen [bar](/article/shadowroot_soap) with a third [bug-attracting soap](/article/bug-attracting_soap).

### Adventures in babysitting

    alt="Gorneeshs two Dulok scouts grabbed the Ewok Latara to babysit the royal brood."
Gorneesh's two Dulok scouts grabbed the Ewok Latara to babysit the royal brood.

On another mission, Gorneesh tasked the Dulok with assisting in the feeding of [Nahkee](/article/nahkee), a [Phlog](/article/phlog-legends) [baby](/article/youngling-legends) that the [Tulgah](/article/tulgah-legends) [witch](/article/witch-legends) [Morag](/article/morag) had entrusted to the Duloks. Her hope was to conceal the child's location, blame the Ewoks of Bright Tree Village for his disappearance, and incite the Phlog elders to attack the settlement. The _X_-painted Dulok aided the Dulok [Queen](/article/queen-legends), [Urgah](/article/urgah), in her attempts to feed the massive infant. While Urgah cooked a stew called [glock](/article/glock) for the child, the _X_-adorned Dulok carried bowlfuls of the thick substance and [spooned](/article/spoon-legends) it into the Phlog's large [maw](/article/mouth-legends). However, when Gorneesh requested that the Duloks change Nahkee's diaper, the _X_-painted underling and his peers fled. Later, a group of Ewoks—Kintaka, [Latara](/article/latara-legends), [Malani](/article/malani), [Teebo](/article/teebo-legends), and Warrick—were brought to the Dulok village to care for the Phlog, but Latara and Kintaka used a [song](/article/music-legends) to put the entire village to [sleep](/article/sleep-legends) and escaped with the infant.

Gorneesh assigned the _X_-marked Dulok and his _O_-marked counterpart to guard duty outside [his personal hut](/article/gorneesh%27s_hut). Annoyed by his [three](/article/unidentified_dulok_cub_1) [unruly](/article/unidentified_dulok_cub_2) [children](/article/unidentified_dulok_cub_3), the Dulok King sent the pair to Bright Tree Village to kidnap an Ewok to babysit the cubs. On the outskirts of the Ewok settlement, the _X_-painted Dulok and his partner [espied](/article/spy-legends) a young female Ewok caring for two toddlers—Latara and the [woklings](/article/wokling-legends) Nippet and Wiley. The Duloks tried to approach stealthily, but before the [scouts](/article/scout-legends) could capture the Ewok caretaker, the ground shook as a herd of giant [awors](/article/awor) appeared, frightening the pair into a hollow [tree](/article/tree-legends). Inside, they encountered a green-[eyed](/article/eye-legends), [toothsome](/article/tooth-legends) [creature](/article/unidentified_tree-dwelling_creature). They were attacked and fled.

The following [day](/article/standard_day-legends), the _X_- and _O_-marked Duloks hid in the bushes surrounding Bright Tree Village and watched their Ewok target sneak away with a group of traveling [entertainers](/article/entertainer) known as the [Travelling Jindas](/article/travelling_jindas)—whose thundering beasts had scared the Duloks the previous day. The Dulok with the _X_ on his fur suggested they simply follow the caravan to capture her. They did so, staying in the treetops and eventually dropping onto the awor carrying the [tent](/article/tent-legends) of [Bondo](/article/bondo), the [Jindas'](/article/jinda-legends) leader, who was speaking with Latara. Again, they suffered a setback: as Bondo's awor crossed a suspension bridge, the beast's rocking caused the Duloks to lose their balance and fall into the [river](/article/unidentified_endor_river_(suspension_bridge)) below.

The _X_-marked Dulok and his companion made another attempt that night when the Jindas stopped to perform for a group of arboreal [blasé tree goats](/article/choreamnos). The Dulok with the bandage on his head revealed their plan: they would disguise themselves as tree [goats](/article/goat-legends) with horns on their heads. So disguised, they climbed a tree and hung upside down, waiting for the chance to strike. Once again, the plan failed: as Latara was lifted into the rafters of the Jindas' stage as part of a magic act with the Jinda performer [Trebla](/article/trebla), they crept along a branch to grab her. However, the weight of the Duloks caused the branch to sag, alerting Latara. When a goat ate the vine holding the Ewok aloft, she grabbed the Duloks' branch to avoid falling. The added weight brought the branch down gently to the ground—but then the Ewok let go. The branch became a [catapult](/article/catapult-legends), launching the Duloks into an animal tent filled with an ornery, [purple-skinned beast](/article/unidentified_purple_creature).

Despite these setbacks, Gorneesh's scouts did not quit. The next day, they overheard their would-be babysitter crying from homesickness while alone in the forest. They ambushed her, seized her, and bound her with a vine, confident they would be rewarded by their king. Back at the Dulok Swamp, the _X_-marked Dulok and his partner handed Latara over to Gorneesh and Urgah, who tasked her with caring for their cubs. However, the Travelling Jindas soon arrived to perform for the Duloks. Their show allowed Latara's friends—the Ewoks Kintaka, [Paploo](/article/paploo-legends), Teebo, and Warrick—to rescue her from Dulok captivity.

### Battle of the Soul Trees

    alt="The X-marked Dulok attempted to prevent the Ewok Malani from freeing her tribe mate, Wicket W. Warrick."
The X-marked Dulok attempted to prevent the Ewok Malani from freeing her tribe mate, Wicket W. Warrick.

Later that year, the _X_-marked Dulok joined Gorneesh, Umwak, Urgah, the [Dulok oracle](/article/dulok_oracle) [Murgoob](/article/murgoob), and several Dulok [warriors](/article/soldier-legends) aboard the [Ewok battle wagon](/article/ewok_battle_wagon), a siege [engine](/article/engine-legends) rebuilt by the Ewok Wicket W. Warrick but stolen by the Duloks in a raid. The Duloks steered the contraption toward the Ewoks' sacred [Soul Trees](/article/soul_tree) in an [attempt](/article/second_battle_of_the_soul_trees) to crush the trees and break the Ewoks' spirit. The _X_-painted Dulok rode on the [wagon's](/article/wagon-legends) main deck, which housed its battering ram and a caged [prisoner](/article/prisoner-legends), Warrick himself, who had been asleep in the wagon when it was stolen. The wagon's initial victims were a group of woklings on a picnic, but Warrick urged them to warn Bright Tree Village of the coming attack. Upon reaching a grove of Soul Trees, Gorneesh disregarded the Ewoks' defenses and ordered the _X_-marked Dulok and his comrades to ram the holy trees. However, when the wokling Malani climbed aboard the war wagon with the help of the [bordok](/article/bordok-legends) [Baga](/article/baga), the _X_-painted Dulok noticed her attempt to free Warrick from his [cage](/article/prison-legends). The Dulok swung his [club](/article/club-legends] at the girl, but Warrick pushed her out of harm's way. Instead of hitting Ewok flesh, the Dulok's attack broke open the cage's lock, allowing Warrick to escape. The stumble caused the _X_-painted Dulok to lose his balance, and Malani pushed him into the cage and off the wagon. Warrick and Malani ended the assault when Warrick pulled the wagon's main support peg, collapsing the machine into a pile of wood.

### Haunted hunting

    alt="The Dulok led a hunting expedition to capture maramu for their horns."
The Dulok led a hunting expedition to capture maramu for their horns.

That [winter](/article/winter-legends), the Dulok with the _X_ on his belly led his _O_- and [diamond-marked counterparts](/article/unidentified_dulok_(diamond)), along with a [Dulok with a tufted chest](/article/unidentified_dulok_hunter), on a [hunt](/article/hunting-legends) for [maramu](/article/maramu), a [species](/article/species-legends) of hopping, bipedal animals whose horns King Gorneesh prized as trophies. The quartet chased a maramu up a steep slope, and at the edge of the precipice, the expedition leader caught the maramu in a [net](/article/net-legends). However, a wild howl echoed from the nearby trees, and the _O_-marked Dulok was lassoed, hoisted into a tree, and dropped onto the other members of the party. The hunters fled in terror, unaware that their tormentor was a wild, female Ewok named [Asha](/article/asha-legends).

During a later expedition, the _X_-marked Dulok joined his original hunting group, plus a [Dulok with arrows](/article/unidentified_dulok_(arrows)) painted on his chest, King Gorneesh, and the shaman, Umwak, in the snowy forest. They captured several small creatures in cages and snared a maramu with [ropes](/article/rope-legends). The _X_-marked Dulok helped restrain the enraged beast. When a maramu calf approached, the _X_-marked Dulok kicked it away. This enraged the ensnared maramu, the calf's [mother](/article/parent-legends), who yanked the rope and flung the Dulok into a nearby tree.

After recovering, the Dulok watched as a being known to the Duloks as the Red Ghost—actually Asha, the same Ewok who had disrupted the previous hunt—calmly walked among the Duloks and freed the captured animals. When Gorneesh ordered his underlings to attack, the _X_-marked Dulok and his compatriots captured her with their lassos. However, the Red Ghost grabbed the ropes and spun the three Duloks in circles, flinging them into the snowdrifts. Gorneesh ordered another attack, but the Ewok sidestepped the _X_-marked Dulok and his comrades, who collided. The Ewok climbed a tree, grabbed a vine, and swung into the _X_-painted Dulok and his companions. Gorneesh himself fled, but Asha captured the entire party with her [bolas](/article/bola-legends), prompting Umwak to swear that the Duloks would never hunt in that area again. The _X_-marked Dulok ran with the others, climbed onto a hollow log, and slid down a snowy slope—off a cliff, and into the frigid water below. Years later, the Ewok Wicket W. Warrick recalled his encounters with the _X_-marked Dulok on the battle wagon and in the forest with Asha as some of his fondest childhood memories.

## Personality and traits

    alt="The X-marked Dulok approved of King Gorneeshs plan to kidnap an Ewok babysitter."
The X-marked Dulok approved of King Gorneesh's plan to kidnap an Ewok babysitter.

Serving his tribe, the Dulok with the _X_ on his chest performed duties as a guard, scout, warrior, and hunter. He handled tasks like guarding the hut of the Dulok King and Queen, and his skill in stealth and climbing made him suitable for sneaking up on and kidnapping the Ewok Latara. However, his proficiency was offset by clumsiness; he often collided with fellow warriors, stumbled into dangerous encounters with wildlife, and revealed his presence when trying to be sneaky. He could wield weapons equally well with either his right or left [hands](/article/limb-legends). He was proficient with clubs, [spears](/article/spear-legends), and lassos, particularly the latter, allowing him to rope a wild maramu from a moderate distance.

The _X_-marked Dulok possessed the callous and mocking nature common among his species. For instance, while hunting, he casually kicked aside a maramu calf, telling it to return when its horns were bigger. During the same expedition, he joined his fellows in mocking the Ewok Asha after she was temporarily detained. Although he generally obeyed Gorneesh's commands—even laughing approvingly at the King's plans to raid the Ewoks—his loyalty had limits. He refused to change a baby Phlog's diaper, choosing instead to flee. Gorneesh, in turn, enjoyed his underling's misfortunes, laughing when the _X_-marked Dulok was thrown through the [air](/article/atmosphere-legends) by a bucking maramu. The Dulok tribesman did not show the same respect to his people's shaman, Umwak. While helping gather potion ingredients, the _X_-marked Dulok became annoyed by the hot [sun](/article/ibleam) and swarming insects, suggesting that Umwak should focus on creating bug repellent.

The _X_-marked Dulok often worked with another Dulok warrior with an _O_ on his chest. However, the relationship was unequal; the _X_-marked Dulok asserted his superiority by berating, bossing, and bullying his counterpart. This led to quarrels, especially when the insults were unwarranted. For example, on one expedition, the _X_-marked Dulok accused his fellow scout of causing the ground to [quake](/article/groundquake-legends), unaware that the shaking was caused by an approaching caravan of awors.

Physically, he was a typical member of his species: thin, covered in green fur, with gray skin visible on his palms and soles, and a face featuring brown eyebrows, pink eyes, and jagged teeth. He stood approximately 1.35 [meters](/article/meter-legends) tall, average for his species. However, he distinguished himself by painting a yellow _X_ on his torso. He also frequently wore strips of white cloth around his head, though sometimes he did not.

## Behind the scenes

The Dulok character appears in the opening credits of the [Ewoks](/article/ewoks_(television_series)) animated cartoon series, technically making him a part of every episode of the show's [first season](/article/ewoks:_season_one), which premiered on [September 7](/article/september_7), [1985](/article/1985), with "[The Cries of the Trees](/article/the_cries_of_the_trees)." However, "[The Haunted Village](/article/the_haunted_village)," which first aired on [September 14](/article/september_14), 1985, marks his first actual appearance in the narrative. The episode was written by [Paul Dini](/article/paul_dini) and directed by [Raymond Jafelice](/article/raymond_jafelice). Dini and Jafelice included the Dulok in another episode, "[Rampage of the Phlogs](/article/rampage_of_the_phlogs)," which first aired on [September 21](/article/september_21). Writer [Bob Carrau](/article/bob_carrau) then gave the character his most significant role in "[The Travelling Jindas](/article/the_travelling_jindas)," directed by Jafelice, which originally aired on [October 5](/article/october_5). The character later appeared in two more Dini–Jafelice _Ewoks_ episodes: "[Wicket's Wagon](/article/wicket%27s_wagon)" on [November 11](/article/november_11) and "[Asha](/article/asha_(episode))" on [November 30](/article/november_30).

These episodes make up five of the eight that were combined to create two direct-to-[DVD](/article/star_wars_home_video_releases) feature films: [The Haunted Village](/article/the_haunted_village_(film)) and _Tales from the Endor Woods_, both initially released in [2004](/article/2004). The Dulok is indirectly mentioned in book adaptations of the episodes and in supplemental materials that reference the hunting parties and war bands he participated in.
    content="Ewoks — The Haunted Village"

    content="The Haunted Village film"

    content="The Haunted Village picture book"

    content="Ewoks — Rampage of the Phlogs"

    content="Ewoks — The Travelling Jindas"

    content="Ewoks — Wickets Wagon"

    content="Wickets Wagon picture book (Indirect mention only)"

    content="Ewoks — Asha"

    content="The Red Ghost: An Ewok Adventure (Indirect mention only)"