Unidentified RA-7 protocol droid (Sundered Heart)

This RA-7-series protocol droid functioned as an information broker in secret, disguised as a standard protocol droid on the starship Sundered Heart.


C-3PO wipes the RA-7's memory and his own to protect Padmé Amidala's children

Near the conclusion of the Clone Wars, this particular RA-7 unit had served for a period of time on the personal starship of Senator Bail Organa, namely, the Sundered Heart. Heeding the suggestion of an associate, this information specialist played the role of an obedient protocol droid on the CR70 corvette, hoping to acquire valuable intelligence for resale.

When Organa placed R2-D2 and C-3PO in the care of Captain Raymus Antilles, he instructed him to have the protocol droid's memory erased. Escorting them to the droid maintenance bay of the Sundered Heart, Antilles tasked the R2 astromech with the job before heading back to the bridge.

Concealed within a shadowed corner of the droid workshop, the RA-7 overheard the talkative 3PO unit boasting about highly classified data stored within his memory storage. Recognizing an opportunity, the RA-7 assaulted the two droids. The RA-7 used an ion blaster to disable R2-D2 and then threatened C-3PO, demanding that he remove his memory banks with a vibroblade. Understanding that the Galactic Empire might discover the whereabouts of Luke and Leia, C-3PO deliberately wiped his own memory, taking the RA-7's memory with him in the process. After C-3PO regained consciousness following the memory wipe, R2-D2, who had already recovered from the ion blast, had dismantled the RA-7 protocol droid.

Personality and traits

R2-D2 throws away the RA-7's dissembled body

This particular RA-7 droid was adept at maintaining a discreet presence, having operated undercover on the Sundered Heart for a period of time, concealing its true intentions. Consequently, it held C-3PO in contempt for his excessive talkativeness. It was driven by a desire for credits, and C-3PO even considered it to have traits that would qualify it as a bounty hunter. The RA-7 possessed proficiency with both an ion blaster and a vibroblade, but was caught off guard when C-3PO seized him and erased both of their memories.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of this RA-7 protocol droid occurred in Memory Loss, a comic book penned by Christopher Cooper and visually brought to life by Andres Ponce. It was released in 2014 as part of Star Wars Comic 7.13.

