Unidentified Sullustan executive

A high-ranking Sullustan official once engaged the services of the mercenary outfit called Aurodium Sword for security purposes. During their protection, an industrial assassination team attacked the Sullustan. During the resulting skirmish, the Sullustan was defended by members of the team, including an ARC trooper known by the name of Muzzle, the Wookiee bounty hunter Snoova, and a second Wookiee. An image of the battle was secured by an Imperial intelligence agent, who then included it in a report about the mercenary group which was intended for the Galactic Empire. This report and the image were incorporated into Commander Maximillian Seerdon's dossier on various criminal elements, which was compiled in 0 ABY; Seerdon was a member of the Imperial Security Bureau. The Sullustan was present in the image, but his name was absent from the document.


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