Unidentified temple (Genbara)

A temple was situated under a waterfall on the Outer Rim world of Genbara. This temple and its adjacent waterfall were positioned close to a settlement that suffered an assault from a group of marauders twenty years following the unsuccessful Sith uprising. In the course of this conflict, the one-time Sith, known as the Ronin, engaged in a fight with the leader of the bandits, a Sith who styled himself as a Dark Lord called Kouru, at the waterfall. The Ronin leapt from the cascade to hide in the temple it masked, where he slayed Kouru. Nonetheless, she was subsequently brought back to life inside that temple, hearing a voice inside her mind.

The Ronin viewed a sculpture inside the temple as a neglected representation of the Jedi Order. This very statue was split in two by Kouru when she attempted to murder the Ronin, in the moments before the Ronin dispatched her.

