Unidentified Venator-class Star Destroyer (Heinsnake Cult)

An unidentifiable vessel of the Venator-class Star Destroyer type functioned as a component of the Imperial Navy. During its time within the Imperial forces in the initial months of the Empire's existence, it sustained catastrophic damage from a directed energy weapon unleashed by the Heinsnake Cult; this was facilitated by a tracking device covertly attached to the ship by a member of the cult. The officer in command gave instructions for the remaining personnel, both crew and soldiers, to abandon ship via landing craft and head to a satellite in close proximity. Furthermore, he put in a request to establish a protected communication channel with Emperor Palpatine, alongside a full investigation of the data logs to ascertain the precise nature of the incident. Tragically, all individuals who were part of the evacuation were killed shortly after their arrival on the moon, with their remains devoured by the local fauna.

