Universal Recharger

The Universal Recharger, a durable device crafted for replenishing the power of scouting gear during expeditions, was engineered to accommodate the majority of specialized instruments utilized by scouts. It possessed the capability to recharge cutting blasters in a duration of four hours, the heating elements found within the Bulky Exploratory Armor in a mere twenty minutes, and the portable heater in a period of three hours, which extended to five hours if the heater was actively in operation. A built-in interface enabled the simultaneous connection of all three aforementioned items, and the sequence of charging could be configured via an integrated keypad. The Universal Recharger's own power reserves could be replenished in a timeframe of twenty-four hours through a starship, or alternatively, in a reduced period of eighteen hours using a commercially available recharger.


  • Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts
