
Uukaablis, the fourth planet in the Uukaablis system, served as the homeworld of the Uukaablians.

For more than a thousand years prior to the Galactic Civil War, the planet was consumed by intense warfare. This conflict, spanning generations, proved so destructive that the planet teetered on the edge of a planet-wide biological catastrophe. Recognizing the impending doom of their world, the faction leaders convened and, following a three-day negotiation, decided to cease all fighting. To guarantee lasting peace, every weapon was gathered and launched via a massive vessel directly into the system's central sun.

One year following the war's conclusion, a mysterious illness emerged, afflicting the entire planet. Medical experts quickly identified the cause as a microscopic parasite, a biological weapon created by one of the warring factions. Consequently, the Uukaablians channeled all their technological resources into medical advancements. By 8 ABY, their dedication had transformed Uukaablis, featuring numerous expansive medical facilities and a comprehensive planet-wide database containing details on every disease encountered by the Uukaablians.


The urban centers of Uukaablis were structured as interconnected skyway systems, elevated more than one hundred meters above the surface by gigantic pillars constructed from stone.

