Uulshos justice droids were a type of assassin droid that were produced by Uulshos Manufacturing.
These justice droids were deployed in the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Their success was such that the Galactic Empire replicated them during the era of the New Order. Their strength and durability made them reliable assets.
One example of these droids was the Imperial assassin droid known as 2-124, who was captured at one point by the Rebel Alliance. This droid managed to escape and subsequently assassinated several officials of both the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic over the years. This led to the droid being included in General Airen Cracken's top-secret New Republic Intelligence briefing, which listed the fifty most dangerous individuals to the New Republic.

Certain Iron Knights, a splinter group of the Jedi consisting of Force-sensitive Shards, utilized modified justice droids as their physical bodies. The combination of a Jedi's abilities with the Force and an assassin droid's capabilities resulted in highly lethal combatants.
The design of the justice droid is the same as the Eliminator 434 series of assassin droid. This is because both designs are based on early concept artwork for IG-88.
- Wanted by Cracken
- Droids, Technology and the Force: A Clash of Phenomena on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available)
- The New Essential Guide to Droids
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia