
V-Nen, hailing from Kegan, was a Human male (refer to male article). He was married to O-Melie and was the father of Olana Chion, a Jedi Knight (originally named O-Lana).


O-Melie and V-Nen made secret contact with the Jedi Council, prompting them to dispatch Qui-Gon Jinn and Adi Gallia, both Jedi Masters, along with their respective Padawans, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi, to Kegan. The governing body of Kegan, the Benevolent Guides, possessed Force-sensitive abilities, granting them precognitive visions. These visions revealed a future where Kegan was conquered by the Galactic Empire and Masked Soldiers. Consequently, they abducted Olana and confined her within the Re-Learning Circle to indoctrinate her into the principles of The Learning. However, the Jedi successfully liberated Olana after Kenobi and Tachi were intentionally captured and subsequently imprisoned within the Learning Circle. Upon discovering Olana's Force sensitivity, the Jedi transported her to Coruscant for training. Simultaneously, V-Nen and O-Melie adopted V-Davi, a young orphaned boy who had escaped the Re-Learning Circle alongside Kenobi and Tachi. V-Nen and his wife were involved in a clandestine resistance movement against their leaders. Following the Jedi's exposure of the Re-Learning Circle's activities, the city's inhabitants peacefully removed the Benevolent Guides from power. V-Nen held a position within the Communication Circle.

