Vaius Antinus, a male who worked as a record keeper, existed around 5000 BBY. He lived at the same time as multiple Sith Lords, for example Tulak Hord and Aloysius Kallig. Back then, bloodlines were considered to be of high importance, and Antinus documented the family histories of the most significant Sith Lords of the era. After he died, he was interred on the Core World of Alderaan, a detail that became common knowledge to future archaeologists. During his lifetime, Antinus also instructed an apprentice whose identity was forgotten by the time of the Cold War. Because both the Reclamation Service of the Sith Empire and members of the Jedi Order showed interest in the tomb of Antinus's apprentice located on Aduba-6, it is likely that the record keeper had some connection to either the Sith or the Jedi.