
Lord Vartonis existed as a Dark Jedi, functioning on Mustafar throughout the time of the Galactic Civil War. His ambition was to seize possession of an enigmatic crystal that the Jedi had abandoned on the planet millennia prior; however, an unnamed spacer, aided by the Force ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi, successfully defeated him and annihilated the potent crystal.

Behind the scenes

Vartonis was featured as a non-playable character within the Star Wars Galaxies video game, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by Sony and distributed by LucasArts, before it ceased operations on December 15, 2011.

In the game, players had the option to try and acquire the crystal for their own use; however, Obi-Wan's Force ghost would intervene, depleting the crystal's energy and granting the player the drained version. Using this drained form would enhance the player's in-game statistics. The official storyline provided players with an equivalent item.

Upon eliminating Vartonis, players had the opportunity to search his remains for a title to a unique in-game vehicle referred to as the Lava Skiff. This vehicle enabled players to traverse the lava on Mustafar without suffering burns.

While his species remains officially unconfirmed, it is reasonable to infer that he is either of Sanyassan or Sayormi descent.

