The Vehemence, an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, functioned as a component of the Imperial Navy throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War. While situated within the Eriadu system, the Vehemence awaited a meeting with Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, with the intention of escorting him on an inspection tour of the Death Star. However, his shuttle was attacked by Rebel soldiers. In response, the Vehemence deployed TIE/LN starfighters; nevertheless, these fighters were delayed by Rebel Y-wings until the Rebels successfully boarded Tarkin's shuttle. Despite Tarkin's absence, having fled shortly before the Rebel arrival, the Rebels successfully liberated Tarkin's Mon Calamari slave, Gial Ackbar.
A reproduction of this mission would later be used by the Rebel Alliance as a training exercise for their new pilots.