Vekozev Kabir

Vekozev Kabir, known as "Zev," became a member of the Rebel Alliance after his involvement with Ahakistan resistance cells. Prior to taking to his snowspeeder at the Battle of Hoth, he was present at a pilot briefing held by Princess Leia. Piloting as Rogue Eight with Stax Mullawny serving as his gunner, he was shot down by an AT-AT while defending Echo Base.

Rogue Group TESB Manga During the Battle of Hoth, the twelve airspeeders of Rogue Group, with Kabir among the pilots, launched an attack.

Personality and traits

Kabir's allegiance was with the Rebellion, and he supported local resistance efforts on his home planet. He became convinced that the only way to defeat the Empire was to confront its central power, which motivated his decision to enlist in the Rebellion.

Behind the scenes

In Star Wars Insider 146, the article "Rogues Gallery: Clearance for Immediate Launch" identified Vekozev Kabir, initially known only as "Zev Kabir," as one of the pilots who could be seen at Echo Base. The name Vekozev was implemented to distinguish him from Zev Senesca.

