Velga Prime, referred to as Velga, and occasionally as the Gamblers' Moon, was a moon situated in the Velga system of the Juvex sector. This sector was part of the Senex-Juvex area within the Western Reaches section of the Mid Rim.
Located at the meeting point of the Senex-Juvex Loop and the Velga Route hyperlanes was Velga Prime. The Loovria and Pieldi systems were accessible via the Senex-Juvex Loop, while the Q'mara system was linked through the Velga Route.
Velga Prime stood out as a major tourist destination within the Juvex sector, boasting numerous lavish hotels and casinos across its surface. Individuals from outside the Senex-Juvex came to Velga Prime to circumvent taxation on their gambling earnings.
Approximately between 5 and 4 BBY, Han Solo considered Velga Prime to be the most extravagant gambling planetoid that existed in the galaxy.
Sometime between 2 and 0 BBY, Haj Shipping Lines starliners included Velga Prime as one of their destinations.