Velmorian energy sword

Velmorian energy swords, which are also sometimes called Flameswords, represent a very old advancement in weapon technology that originated on the planet Velmor. These weapons utilized a standard sword design, but were augmented with charged plasma, in a way that is fairly similar to a lightsaber. The blade's length slightly exceeded one meter, and it was adorned with intricately woven patterns and delicate whorls on the metal surface. The weapon also incorporated an elaborately decorated hilt. The power source for the charged blade was a power cell situated within the hilt, and it made use of a pair of velmorite crystals to achieve focus. While these energy swords shared some similarities with the lightsabers used by the Jedi Knights, their power levels were not comparable to the Jedi weapon, although they were still deadly and precise in their own right. Although lightsabers were sometimes referred to as energy swords, the two distinct weapons were considered separate entities.

Energy swords were mainly employed for ceremonial purposes: Velmorian duel traditions used energy swords to resolve conflicts. It could also be used in combat to redirect blaster fire. Many were lost to destruction.

