Verossian computer

The Verossian computer represented a specific class of computer that came from the Verossia system found within the Strabin sector of the Mid Rim. These Verossian computers made use of binary language, the same language that droids used for communication.

During the period of the Galactic Civil War, there existed a team that required the ability to interpret the binary code used by Verossian computers. Subsequently, one member of the group recalled that an acquaintance of theirs possessed the necessary skills to assist them.

Behind the scenes

The Verossian computer is referenced within the 1995 sourcebook titled Heroes & Rogues. This book was written by Rick Stuart and Paul Sudlow, and it was created for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game from West End Games. The sourcebook mentions this specific type of computer within a sample line of dialogue, used to demonstrate how professional connections can impact the development of a player character's backstory. This article is written under the assumption that the situation unfolds as it is depicted in the book.


  • Heroes & Rogues (First mentioned)

Notes and references
