Victory II-class frigate

The Victory II-class frigate represented an Imperial warship that possessed a sword-like configuration.


A Victory II-class frigate over Yavin IV.

The design of this frigate shared similarities with sizable command vessels, such as the Super Star Destroyer Vengeance[/article/vengeance_(vengeance-class)), evident in the expansive wing-like structure positioned on each side of the ship's stern, alongside its streamlined form. Its weaponry included several twin autoturrets, and its propulsion was supplied by three substantial ion engines.

Furthermore, its shape and dimensions bore a resemblance to Vindicator-class heavy cruisers, and it featured a compact, slender bridge section somewhat akin to that of the Acclamator-class assault ship.


During the Galactic Civil War, ships belonging to this class took part in both the Blockade of Yavin and the Battle of Hoth, serving as escorts for the larger Imperial Star Destroyers.

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, a vessel of this class, under the command of an Imperial Remnant, participated in the Battle of Shramar. After the battle concluded, this ship, along with the rest of the combined Imperial/New Republic task force, entered Hyperspace in the vicinity of the Heart of Artorias as the Outer Rim Alliance was established.

