Visual electromagnetic intensifier

The visual electromagnetic intensifier, a siege weapon created by the Galactic Empire and engineered by the Imperial Department of Military Research, functioned by utilizing a network of satellites in orbit around a targeted planet. This system bore resemblance to the orbital nightcloak. However, in contrast to the nightcloak, the visual electromagnetic intensifier amplified electromagnetic radiation and concentrated visible light onto the planetary surface, essentially causing its destruction through intense heat, leading to death. Its effects included widespread flooding, severe droughts, and massive firestorms.

The primary limitations of this weapon system mirrored those of the nightcloak. The extensive deployment time for the satellites, the necessity of a large ship for transport (at least a Star Destroyer in size), and the system's susceptibility to anti-orbital weaponry reduced its practical application, particularly when facing a well-defended planet.

Subsequent improvements were developed to address these shortcomings, including the implementation of decoy satellites designed to deceive orbital defense systems, and a more modular design that allowed for continued operation even with the loss of some satellite components.


Notes and references
