
Voca was a Human male clone derived from the genetic template of Jango Fett, a well-known bounty hunter. After the Galactic Empire gained power, Voca became a Stormtrooper commander within the ranks of the 501st Legion, which at that point was under the command of Darth Vader, a Sith Lord. Not long after Admiral Garoche Tarkin, the son of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, went missing, Voca joined the Sith and two battalions from the 501st on a mission to find Tarkin's lost offspring. He wore a distinctive set of Katarn-class armor adorned with blue markings during this assignment. In the end, only Darth Vader survived; Atoan insurgents killed Voca and his stormtroopers because Captain Shale, an Imperial officer secretly supporting Atoa against Emperor Palpatine's New Order, betrayed them.


Skirmish on Atoa

Following a failed operation to locate insurgents in the Ghost Nebula, the Imperial Navy lost communication with an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer helmed by Admiral Garoche Tarkin, the son of then-Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. Consequently, Emperor Palpatine instructed his Sith apprentice Darth Vader to locate and retrieve the missing admiral, supported by the 501st Legion and Captain Shale. Thus, Commander Voca was chosen to assist Vader, leading two battalions of stormtroopers from the 501st.

After arriving in the Ghost Nebula, Vader and his Imperial forces landed on Atoa, a planet about which the Galactic Empire had limited information. Upon spotting a city nearby, Commander Voca informed Vader that it held at least a few hundred armed soldiers and that a scouting party was nearing their position. Vader simply ordered Voca to have the 501st eliminate the scouts, which Voca did immediately.

The 501st stormtroopers quickly began overwhelming the city's defenders with overwhelming military force, which included the firepower of AT-STs and AT-TEs, with ruthless efficiency. Commander Voca stayed with Vader as the Sith Lord engaged in combat. As the Imperials advanced into the city, Voca told Vader that the enemy soldiers were retreating into a watchtower, which pleased Vader as he wanted to trap them in one place. However, a lone soldier then began firing at Vader, Voca, and the stormtroopers from an elevated position. Despite having a brief advantage, Captain Shale knocked the soldier unconscious from behind. With the majority of the enemy taken care of, Voca and his troops joined Vader and Shale at the watchtower.

Voca's 501st Legion stormtroopers initiate an assault on Atoa.

After examining the watchtower's defenses, which included snipers and heavy artillery, it was clear that the Imperials were at a disadvantage. Voca suggested that a walker could easily destroy the tower, but Vader rejected the idea in favor of capturing the remaining enemy units alive, but only to interrogate them. While Captain Shale and his troopers secretly climbed the tower, Vader used the Force to create a snowstorm around the tower, blinding the snipers. Although the plan resulted in minor casualties, it was successful, and the tower was captured; the remaining soldiers were captured, and the rest were killed. Following Vader's orders precisely, Commander Voca had his stormtroopers secure the tower and escort the captured soldiers to a river outside the city.

As the captured soldiers knelt on the riverbank, Darth Vader demanded they reveal Admiral Tarkin's location or face death. However, the interrogation did not provide any relevant information. As a result, Vader ordered Commander Voca and his stormtroopers to sweep the area again, execute anyone in the city old enough to wield firearms, and then burn the city to the ground. Voca, having no objections, simply asked the Sith Lord what to do with the prisoners, to which Vader ordered them drowned in the freezing river.

Before Voca could carry out any of his orders, a boat with white-robed figures approached the Imperials via the river. The commander raised his weapon to fire on the mysterious beings, but Vader ordered him to stand down. A female identified herself as Lady Saro, the High Priestess of Atoa, and promised to help Vader and his Imperials find what they were looking for.

Ambushed in Space

Shortly after Darth Vader reached an agreement with Lady Saro to use her assistance in finding Admiral Tarkin, the Atoan priestess revealed the location of Tarkin's missing Star Destroyer. Accompanied by a squadron of Imperial V-wing starfighters, Commander Voca assisted Darth Vader and Captain Shale in searching the Star Destroyer's wreckage in space.

Based on the extensive damage to Tarkin's warship, Voca concluded that the explosions originated from within the vessel, indicating sabotage. However, before he could elaborate, the Imperials were surprised by an attack from Atoan starfighters, which had hidden in the debris field because the Imperials had not thoroughly searched the area. Despite being caught off guard, Voca and the clones repelled the Atoans with the help of Vader and Shale, sustaining only minor casualties.

After the brief skirmish, Commander Voca discussed strategy with Captain Shale and Lady Saro aboard Vader's Star Destroyer. While examining a world where Garoche Tarkin was believed to be held, Voca felt that a ground assault would be too costly due to the planet's vast oceans of hot tar pits. Therefore, he recommended sending a reconnaissance mission to scout the terrain, but Vader rejected the plan and ordered an immediate invasion. Voca obediently prepared the AT-AT Walkers and ground forces as a distraction for the insurgents so that Vader and Shale could personally lead a stealth attack. Despite successfully eliminating the insurgents, though at the cost of some Imperial Walkers and clone squads, Vader and Shale failed to find Garoche Tarkin. The missing admiral was not being held prisoner by the Atoans, leading Vader to suspect that Moff Tarkin's son was a traitor to the Empire.


Commander Voca and his stormtroopers are attacked by Captain Shale's rebellious Storm Commandos.

Without warning, Captain Shale and his storm commandos betrayed their allies and attacked all officers and clones loyal to Darth Vader. Throughout the Dark Lord's Star Destroyer, the 501st stormtroopers were completely surprised when their fellow clones opened fire. While none of the officers survived, Commander Voca and a few stormtroopers managed to hold their ground but were pinned down by storm commandos in elevated positions. The situation quickly changed when Darth Vader arrived. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Voca and his men helped the Sith Lord kill the treacherous clones. Gathering the remaining clones of the 501st Legion, Commander Voca and his troops joined Lord Vader in hunting down the traitors, including Captain Shale.

However, due to Shale's deception, massive explosions suddenly erupted throughout the Star Destroyer, causing extensive damage similar to that on Admiral Tarkin's warship. Before heading to the hangar to escape the doomed destroyer, Vader and Voca attempted to retrieve Lady Saro, only to find that Shale had already taken her off the ship. After hunting down and killing the remaining storm commandos, Voca and his soldiers escaped the Star Destroyer just in time by boarding a Nu-class attack shuttle piloted by Darth Vader.

The explosion severely damaged the attack shuttle, causing it to crash on a planet in the heart of the Ghost Nebula. Although Vader, Voca, and eight stormtroopers survived relatively unharmed, the rest of Voca's squad died in the crash. Pursuing the traitor Shale on foot, Voca and the remaining clones followed Vader until they found the rest of Shale's storm commandos, all of whom had apparently been executed. At that moment, Atoan insurgents opened fire on the Imperials. Vader ordered Voca and the rest of the 501st to engage while he dealt with the ambushers personally.

While Darth Vader fought off the enemy, Commander Voca and his men struggled. Outnumbered and outgunned, the clones retreated deeper into the ravine to escape the Atoans, who held the high ground. However, their escape was blocked by a group of Atoans led by the former Captain Shale. It then became clear that Shale had defected and betrayed the Empire for the Atoans. Shale offered a halfhearted apology to Commander Voca before his men opened fire on the clones, killing Voca and the last remaining stormtroopers who had accompanied Vader on the mission. Moments later, Darth Vader was overwhelmed and captured by the insurgents, who were all under the command of Shale, Lady Saro, and Garoche Tarkin.

Personality and traits

Voca provides loyal assistance to his Master during combat.

Like other clones, Commander Voca was designed to be a soldier with unwavering loyalty, which superseded emotional considerations and morality. As a stormtrooper serving in the Imperial 501st Legion, Voca was a highly effective soldier dedicated to strict obedience and brutal efficiency, especially when bringing the Galactic Empire's military might to bear on its enemies. Emotionally, Voca was unconcerned with Darth Vader's brutal tactics; the specific content of his orders was less important than simply following them. Like most Fett clones who served the Empire, Voca lacked empathy or moral understanding, allowing him to accept orders involving brute military force and the execution of unarmed prisoners.

As a tactician, Voca was adept at analyzing environments for potential threats and devising strategies to improve chances of victory. Rather than needlessly sacrificing Imperial lives, he recognized that an Imperial Walker would save his forces considerable trouble and casualties in destroying a tower held by enemy units. When Vader rejected his idea in favor of a more direct approach, Voca did not question the Sith Lord, again due to his conditioning as a completely obedient soldier who complied without hesitation or resistance.

