Commander Vulpus was a CIS Officer of the male persuasion. During the Clone Wars, he was in service to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
The Sith Lord Count Dooku dispatched him in 20 BBY to monitor General Grievous's endeavors. These endeavors consisted of transforming Padawans into Force-sensitive cyborg warriors. Vulpus piloted a Ginivex-class starfighter to Grievous's base, which was located on Belsus. He voiced his fascination with the cyborg general's actions, going so far as to propose his aid in converting the younglings into cyborgs.
After the younglings managed to flee with the help of rebellious Ugnaughts, Vulpus was adamant about contacting Dooku without delay. He took umbrage at Grievous's threats, and even confronted the general's brandished lightsaber without showing any fear. He warned the enraged general that ending his life would incur Dooku's fury upon Grievous.