Wade Vox

A male smuggler from Alderaan known as Wade Vox was a Human with sensitivity to the Force. He took part in the Demolition games that were organized by Jabba Desilijic Tiure.


Near the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Wade Vox entered the world on the planet Alderaan, born to affluent merchants. While piloting one of his father's transports along the Corellian Run as a young man, his home world was obliterated by the first Death Star. Devastated by this loss and with limited options, he engaged in perilous smuggling ventures. Eventually, he arrived on Tatooine, where he quickly ran afoul of Jabba Desilijic Tiure after refusing to remit protection money at the Mos Eisley spaceport. Consequently, he was compelled to compete in Jabba's underground "demolition" games.

If not for his burgeoning connection to the Force, Vox would have likely met his end, especially when facing formidable opponents like Boba Fett. He also discovered that the X-34 landspeeder he had customized after acquiring it from BoShek had previously belonged to Luke Skywalker, who had sold it upon his departure from Tatooine. Vox admired Luke, considering him the last of the Jedi, and believed he too would achieve greatness someday.

Wade Vox's Lightsaber

Following the conclusion of the demolition tournament and having gained his freedom, Vox pursued his desire to explore his connection to the Force more deeply. He constructed a crimson lightsaber, a remarkable accomplishment given his almost complete lack of training, a feat later mirrored by Jaden Korr roughly a decade later. Shortly after this, he was discovered by Aurra Sing, who attempted to eliminate him with a long-range blaster. Vox deflected the shots with relative ease and evaded the notorious Jedi hunter almost to her satisfaction.

Personality and traits

Vox possessed a somewhat reckless and rebellious disposition, which led to conflicts with figures such as Jabba Desilijic Tiure, and he displayed cockiness during his tournament victories.

Powers and abilities

Vox in his X-34 landspeeder

Being Force-sensitive, Vox demonstrated a degree of talent, despite lacking formal training, particularly in his piloting abilities, akin to a young Anakin Skywalker. He could generate a potent Force attack from his speeder, temporarily disabling enemies, suggesting either dedicated practice or a natural aptitude for this type of Force power. Regardless, his developing abilities garnered the attention of Aurra Sing. Furthermore, he constructed a lightsaber, an almost impossible feat for someone without a significant Force connection; the source and method of acquiring the necessary parts remain unknown.

Behind the scenes

Wade Vox appeared as a playable character in Star Wars: Demolition, with Holt McCallany providing his voice. An alternate ending in Demolition depicts Vox being thrown to the ground in Jabba's throne room, much to the amusement of Jabba's court. Aurra Sing then stands over him, revealing a Vibroblade. This sequence implies that he meets a grim fate.

Wade Vox fights in Jabba's tournament.

