The marriage of Han Solo, a smuggler hailing from Corellia, and Leia Organa was scheduled to occur in the year 5 ABY on Yavin 4. The Great Temple's Grand Audience Chamber was chosen as the location for the wedding, the same place where the Rebel Alliance had previously celebrated the explosion of the Imperial's first Death Star; a red carpet was placed in the Chamber's central aisle for the event. Chewbacca, a Wookiee, was selected to be Solo's best man, and the droid duo of C-3PO and R2-D2 were jointly named "best droid." Nevertheless, the wedding ceremony was halted prior to the bride's entrance down the aisle because Triclops, the son of the deceased Galactic Emperor Palpatine, barged into the room and began attacking those present. As a result, the actual wedding was postponed for an additional three years.