Whaladon-hunting submarine

The Whaladon hunting vessel, also referred to as the Whaladon-hunting submersible, was a custom-built watercraft utilized by Captain Dunwell, the Whaladon hunter, on the world of Dac. This submersible had a unique whirlpool-generating suction system that could draw significant amounts of marine life directly into its lower storage area. The power needed to operate the whirlpools was provided by generators fueled by large anti-matter furnaces. Within the storage compartments, Dunwell's Aqualish workers would process the Whaladons, removing their skin and moving their remains to the Whaladon Processing Center situated close to the Seaweed Forest.

Because Whaladon hunting was against the law on Dac, Captain Dunwell had to implement extensive security measures to protect his activities. This resulted in a deep-seated feeling of distrust within Dunwell, which led him to install concealed audio surveillance equipment in every room of his ship (even his personal quarters).

During 5 ABY, Admiral Ackbar, Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, and R2-D2 boarded Dunwell's ship with the goal of rescuing several Whaladons that had been captured, notably the respected white Whaladon named Leviathor. They successfully opened the cargo bay, freeing all the imprisoned creatures back into the ocean. R2-D2 then initiated the ship's self-destruction sequence, and the heroes left the submarine before it exploded. Captain Dunwell perished in the resulting blast.

Behind the scenes

The specific design and type of this submersible remain unidentified. The source material's glossary only refers to it as the Whaladon-hunting submarine.

