A spacer wearing a whip. Braided, flexible material formed a whip, a melee weapon.
These rope-like weapons came in different lengths, but typically contained a handle and a long, flexible cord. Whips were used to strike targets at a distance by using the tip of the rope in a whiplash motion. They could also be used to trip, ensnare, or disarm opponents.
Throughout history, various whip types have existed. One example is the Sancretti Arms Whip, a standard whip made from bantha hide cables. More unusual types also existed, such as metal cable whips with stun and shock functions, like the shock whip and neuronic whip. Others had unique abilities, like the Rodian cryogen whip that froze targets or the fire whip that caused burns. Force users even adapted whips into the dangerous lightwhip, which used energized cables to cut down enemies, though it was difficult to master.
In 1 ABY, another whip type was discovered alongside a unique hat called a fedora. This whip was considered an important archaeological find and could be worn on a belt around the waist. During the Galactic Civil War, at least one spacer is known to have used this kind of whip. They were sometimes used to whip slaves, especially on Zygerria.

In the Star Wars Galaxies MMORPG, developers temporarily reactivated accounts of players who had unsubscribed between January 1, 2008 and September 15, 2010. To encourage these players to log back in, the developers gave all active players a free fedora and whip. These items were only available to players who logged in between November 23 and November 30. On the 30th, the developers allowed players to turn the decorative whip into a wearable version, which could be colored up to two times.