Whyren's Reserve was a type of alcohol. The pirate Hondo Ohnaka once had six bottles of the sixteenth vintage of Whyren's Reserve; Bar the Rotter drank all of it to fall asleep. Whyren's Reserve was one of the beverages that could be bought at Cid's Parlor, which was a bar located in Ord Mantell City. It came in a green bottle that had a large Aurek symbol on its label. Numerous bottles of this drink were displayed on the shelves behind the bar. Similar bottles were also seen behind the bar at the Safa Toma Speedway on Serolonis, inside a cantina on Lau, and at Tanda's Cantina on the Suria space station. During Riyo Chuchi's visit to the 79's on Coruscant, a bottle of Whyren's Reserve was visible on the bar.
Daniel Wallace's Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, released in 2018, mentions Whyren's Reserve. The drink's first visual depiction was in the Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode "Rampage," which was broadcast on May 28, 2021.