"Wild bantha chase" [link text](link url)
Wild bantha chase was a piece of colloquial language, a [slang phrase](/article/list_of_phrases_and_slang), that was common in the time of the [Galactic Republic](/article/galactic_republic). The expression was used to describe an endeavor that, in the final analysis, was futile and served only to divert an individual's attention away from their intended goal.
The search for [General](/article/general) [Grievous](/article/grievous) that took [Obi-Wan Kenobi](/article/obi-wan_kenobi) to [Utapau](/article/utapau) was described as potentially "just a wild bantha chase" by Kenobi to [Anakin Skywalker](/article/anakin_skywalker). This was after Skywalker voiced his belief that he should accompany Kenobi. Despite Grievous actually being on Utapau, where he was ultimately [killed](/article/death) by Kenobi, the [mission](/article/battle_of_utapau) could still be seen as a wild bantha chase. The conclusion of the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars) was not significantly impacted by Kenobi's victory over Grievous. Instead, the war ended when [Sheev Palpatine](/article/darth_sidious) initiated [Order 66](/article/order_66) and dispatched Skywalker, now known as [Darth](/article/darth) Vader, to [Mustafar](/article/mustafar) with the purpose of eliminating the remaining [Separatist](/article/confederacy_of_independent_systems) leaders.
## Behind the scenes
The expression finds its origin in the real-world idiom "[wild goose chase](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/wild_goose_chase)."